English Air Inc. Blog: Archive for January, 2021

5 Winter Heating Tips

Monday, January 18th, 2021

Winter is here and you want to keep your home warm. We know what you might be thinking… “Winter? That’s not really something we deal with for too long here in Florida.” We know that our winters are as brief as hey are mild. This doesn’t mean that you should disregard how this season affects your home. We’re here to help you perfect your heating in Orlando, FL.

Your home’s heater is responsible for the majority of your home’s energy usage during this time of year. This means that you should stay on top of your heating to save yourself money. We want you to keep your heater as efficient as possible. That’s why we’re here to help. Stay on top of these tips.

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It’s Time to Go Ductless

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Some of us just don’t have homes that heat or cool that evenly. If you’ve read through our HVAC blog before and seen us talking about “uneven heating and cooling” being the sign of a bad heater or air conditioner and been a little confused, then this blog is for you. We meet homeowners who tell us that despite all their best efforts, their home just doesn’t heat evenly. This is the reality for some, but this doesn’t mean it’s something you have to deal with indefinitely. Instead, you can opt for ductless heating in Orlando, FL.

We love ductless heating on our team. We’re going to get into all the details below. All you need to know for now though is that our heating technicians can help you with whatever you need.

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